The Superman and Superboy lawsuits are officially over, pending appeal.After an obligatory mop-up opinion whose outcome & reasoning was foreshadowed in my previous post, Judge Otis Wright has issued the court’s official final judgments in both the Superman and Superboy lawsuits.
The verdict in each is in DC’s favor. As with the concluding opinion, the final judgments were issued on April 18, 2013, the seventh-fifth anniversary of Superman’s first appearance in Action Comics #1.
Of course, the Siegel side could still appeal, but inasmuch as the court followed the appellate court’s reasoning in reaching these judgments the likelihood of success would be small, to say the least. The case also doesn’t raise the sort of issues likely to attract attention from the Supreme Court.
Judge Wright has already notified the Copyright Office of his decision in the Superboy lawsuit, and a notice on the Superman case should be forthcoming.
So it goes.
The post The Legal View: Siegel Court Issues Final Judgments appeared first on The Beat.